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What purpose does my (digital) My Healthcare Card serve?


The My Healthcare Card makes your life easier as you no longer need to send in your pharmacy receipts. 

Just ask the pharmacist  to scan your My Healthcare Card and your pharmacy receipts will be forwarded to us immediately. It all happens electronically, which expedites payment of your refunds. 

N.B.: you have to activate your My Healthcare Card first. To do so, register on MyAG Employee Benefits​ (app or desktop)​​ and provide us with your account number and e-mail address.

The My Healthcare Card is not a payment method. Once your pharmacist scans the card, your proof of purchase will be sent to AG automatically. You will still need to settle the bill with the pharmacist first.

You can't use your card if you've been admitted to the hospital. It's best to report your hospital admission in advance (link to 'When should I report a hospital admission').

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